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GPU Array package for Julia’s various GPU backends. The compilation for the GPU is done with CUDAnative.jl and for OpenCL Transpiler.jl is used. In the future it’s planned to replace the transpiler by a similar approach CUDAnative.jl is using (via LLVM + SPIR-V).

Why another GPU array package in yet another language?

Julia offers great advantages for programming the GPU. This blog post outlines a few of those.

E.g., we can use Julia’s JIT to generate optimized kernels for map/broadcast operations.

This works even for things like complex arithmetic, since we can compile what’s already in Julia Base. This isn’t restricted to Julia Base, GPUArrays works with all kind of user defined types and functions!

GPUArrays relies heavily on Julia’s dot broadcasting. The great thing about dot broadcasting in Julia is, that it actually fuses operations syntactically, which is vital for performance on the GPU. E.g.:

out .= a .+ b ./ c .+ 1
#turns into this one broadcast (map):
broadcast!(out, a, b, c) do a, b, c
    a + b / c + 1

Will result in one GPU kernel call to a function that combines the operations without any extra allocations. This allows GPUArrays to offer a lot of functionality with minimal code.

Also, when compiling Julia for the GPU, we can use all the cool features from Julia, e.g. higher order functions, multiple dispatch, meta programming and generated functions. Checkout the examples, to see how this can be used to emit specialized code while not losing flexibility: unrolling, vector loads/stores

In theory, we could go as far as inspecting user defined callbacks (we can get the complete AST), count operations and estimate register usage and use those numbers to optimize our kernels!


Current backends: OpenCL, CUDA, Julia Threaded

Implemented for all backends:

map(f, ::GPUArray...)
map!(f, dest::GPUArray, ::GPUArray...)

broadcast(f, ::GPUArray...)
broadcast!(f, dest::GPUArray, ::GPUArray...)

mapreduce(f, op, ::GPUArray...) # so support for sum/mean/minimum etc comes for free

getindex, setindex!, push!, append!, splice!, append!, copy!, reinterpret, convert

fft!/fft/ifft/ifft! and the matching plan_fft functions.
gemm!, scal!, gemv! and the high level functions that are implemented with these, like A * B, A_mul_B!, etc.


A backend will be initialized by default, but can be explicitly set with opencl(), cudanative(), threaded(). There is also GPUArrays.init(device_symbol, filterfuncs...), which can be used to programmatically initialize a backend. Filterfuncs can be used to select a device like this (opencl(), etc also support those):

import GPUArrays: is_gpu, has_atleast, threads
GPUArrays.init(:cudanative, is_gpu, dev -> has_atleast(dev, threads, 512))

You can also temporarily create a context on the currently selected backend with this construct:

on_device([device = GPUArrays.current_device()]) do context
    A = GPUArray(rand(Float32, 32, 32))
    c = A .+ A

Or you can run some code on all currently available devices like this:

forall_devices(filterfuncs...) do context
    A = GPUArray(rand(Float32, 32, 32))
    c = A .+ A
using GPUArrays

a = GPUArray(rand(Float32, 32, 32)) # can be constructed from any Julia Array
b = similar(a) # similar and other Julia.Base operations are defined
b .= a .+ 1f0 # broadcast in action, only works on 0.6 for .+. on 0.5 do: b .= (+).(a, 1f0)!
c = a * b # calls to BLAS
function test(a, b)
    Complex64(sin(a / b))
complex_c = test.(c, b)
fft!(complex_c) # fft!/ifft!/plan_fft, plan_ifft, plan_fft!, plan_ifft!

When you program with GPUArrays, you can just write normal julia functions, feed them to gpu_call and depending on what backend you choose it will use Transpiler.jl or CUDAnative.
#Signature, global_size == cuda blocks, local size == cuda threads
gpu_call(kernel::Function, DispatchDummy::GPUArray, args::Tuple, global_size = length(DispatchDummy), local_size = nothing)
with kernel looking like this:

function kernel(state, arg1, arg2, arg3) # args get splatted into the kernel call
    # state gets always passed as the first argument and is needed to offer the same
    # functionality across backends, even though they have very different ways of of getting e.g. the thread index
    # arg1 can be any gpu array - this is needed to dispatch to the correct intrinsics.
    # if you call gpu_call without any further modifications to global/local size, this should give you a linear index into
    # DispatchDummy
    idx = linear_index(state)
    arg1[idx] = arg2[idx] + arg3[idx]
    return #kernel must return void

Example for gpu_call

Currently supported subset of Julia Code

working with immutable isbits (not containing pointers) type should be completely supported non allocating code (so no constructs like x = [1, 2, 3]). Note that tuples are isbits, so this works x = (1, 2, 3). Transpiler/OpenCL has problems with putting GPU arrays on the gpu into a struct - so no views and actually no multidimensional indexing. For that size is needed which would need to be part of the array struct. A fix for that is in sight, though.

TODO / up for grabs


I recently added a lot of features and bug fixes to the master branch, so you might want to check that out (Pkg.checkout("GPUArrays")).

For the cudanative backend, you need to install CUDAnative.jl manually and it works only on osx + linux with a julia source build. Make sure to have either CUDA and/or OpenCL drivers installed correctly."GPUArrays") will pick those up and should include the working backends. So if your system configuration changes, make sure to run"GPUArrays") again. The rest should work automatically:

Pkg.checkout("GPUArrays") # optional but recommended to checkout master branch"GPUArrays") # should print out information about what backends are added
# Test it!

If a backend is not supported by the hardware, you will see build errors while running Pkg.add("GPUArrays"). Since GPUArrays selects only working backends when running"GPUArrays") these errors can be ignored.