To extend the above functionality to a new array type, you should use the types and implement the interfaces listed on this page. GPUArrays is designed around having two different array types to represent a GPU array: one that exists only on the host, and one that actually can be instantiated on the device (i.e. in kernels). Device functionality is then handled by KernelAbstractions.jl.
Host abstractions
You should provide an array type that builds on the AbstractGPUArray
supertype, such as:
mutable struct CustomArray{T, N} <: AbstractGPUArray{T, N}
This will allow your defined type (in this case JLArray
) to use the GPUArrays interface where available. To be able to actually use the functionality that is defined for AbstractGPUArray
s, you need to define the backend, like so:
import KernelAbstractions: Backend
struct CustomBackend <: KernelAbstractions.GPU
KernelAbstractions.get_backend(a::CA) where CA <: CustomArray = CustomBackend()
There are numerous examples of potential interfaces for GPUArrays, such as with JLArrays, CuArrays, and ROCArrays.