using KernelAbstractions, Test, Random
include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(KernelAbstractions)), "../examples/utils.jl")) # Load backend
@kernel function naive_transpose_kernel!(a, b)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
@inbounds a[i, j] = b[j, i]
# create wrapper function to check inputs
# and select which backend to launch on.
function naive_transpose!(a, b)
if size(a)[1] != size(b)[2] || size(a)[2] != size(b)[1]
println("Matrix size mismatch!")
return nothing
backend = get_backend(a)
@assert get_backend(b) == backend
groupsize = KernelAbstractions.isgpu(backend) ? 256 : 1024
kernel! = naive_transpose_kernel!(backend, groupsize)
kernel!(a, b, ndrange = size(a))
# resolution of grid will be res*res
res = 1024
# creating initial arrays
b = rand!(allocate(backend, Float32, res, res))
a = KernelAbstractions.zeros(backend, Float32, res, res)
naive_transpose!(a, b)
@test a == transpose(b)