Memcopy with static NDRange
The first example simple copies memory from B
to A
. In contrast to the previous examples it uses a fully static kernel configuration. Specializing the kernel on the iteration range itself.
using KernelAbstractions, Test
include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(KernelAbstractions)), "../examples/utils.jl")) # Load backend
@kernel function copy_kernel!(A, @Const(B))
I = @index(Global)
@inbounds A[I] = B[I]
function mycopy_static!(A, B)
backend = get_backend(A)
@assert size(A) == size(B)
@assert get_backend(B) == backend
kernel = copy_kernel!(backend, 32, size(A)) # if size(A) varies this will cause recompilation
kernel(A, B, ndrange = size(A))
A = KernelAbstractions.zeros(backend, Float64, 128, 128)
B = KernelAbstractions.ones(backend, Float64, 128, 128)
mycopy_static!(A, B)
@test A == B